Marietta GA Bed Bug Treatment

Bed bugs can survive in any area of your household – under the carpet, behind the frames, or inside your upholstered furniture – and sadly they don’t only occupy your space. They destroy your household items and cause you health problems. 

Don’t put yourself at risk and execute a smart plan.

Choose how to get rid of bed bugs!

Heat and Chemical Treatments are available to residential and commercial establishments.

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We Get Rid Of Bed Bugs For You

Trusted Bed Bug Exterminators in Marietta, Georgia

Effective Solutions is the only help you need when you no longer know what to do to eliminate bed bugs. 

We offer safe and affordable bed bug treatments to the communities of Marietta, Georgia. 

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3 Common Myths About Bed Bugs in Marietta, Georgia

Numerous articles have been circling the internet about small, brow, blood-sucking creatures that’s been terrorizing people’s dreams – bed bugs. But little do you know, this commonly seen house pest is not what the internet claims it to be. Below are the myths and facts about bed bugs. 

Myth 1. Bed bugs only bite at night – Bed bugs are generally creatures of the night – they are nocturnal – but that does not stop them from feeding on a warm host when they are hungry.

Myth 2. Bed bugs only bite at night – Bed bugs are generally creatures of the night – they are nocturnal – but that does not stop them from feeding on a warm host when they are hungry.

Myth 3: Bed bugs live exclusively in bed mattresses – Despite their name, bed bugs don’t hold an exclusive residence in your mattress. They can be found in your shoe closet, travel suitcase, or behind undisturbed furniture. 

Although there are more than 3 myths surrounding these tiny vampires, debunked or otherwise, one thing is certain – no one wishes to find bed bugs in their home. Exterminating them without the proper tools is too much of a hassle for how small their stature is. Let the professionals do the work for you.

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