Around 1 out of 5 Americans have encountered troubles in their home regarding pests. Whether the problem is a mouse, bed bug, termite, or other pests, there are options to keep these pests from penetrating your home or making them entirely disappear. FIRST, WHAT CAUSES BED BUGS TO ENTER YOUR HOME? Bed bugs are a type of insect found under the bed during the night or in used furniture. These insects came from the genus climax, the insect that feeds on blood. Infested areas are also one of the main hideouts where these tiny insects tend to lurk most of the time. Since bed bugs feed on warm-blooded creatures, that is why they are drawn to humans. WHAT TO PREVENT THESE INSECTS FROM INFESTING YOUR HOME? DECLUTTERING Most pest control professionals recommend removing unwanted objects in your house, like old clothes, boxes, trash, etc. Decluttering not only creates more space in your home. It also allows you to clean your house or bedroom more quickly. If a house is cluttered, bed bugs and other types of pests can take advantage of this and hide in many different places. It will likely make treating them harder. CLEAN YOUR BEDSHEETS, BLANKETS ETC Bed bugs aren’t only hiding in old furniture and the frame of your bed. Once they have been in touch with some of the fabrics you used in your bed, they can easily hide on them. Once a bedsheet or other bed clothing touches the floor, bed bugs can easily infect it. It is recommended to regularly wash and change these things not only for hygienic purposes but also for preventing pests. Bed bugs and their eggs can easily hide under your laundry, so always get them washed and cleaned. It is much better if the laundries are dry-heated to trap bed bugs from hiding in your laundry. YOUR VACUUM IS YOUR FRIEND Having a vacuum will not only suck trash and other tiny pieces of clutter in your bedroom or house, but it can also suck up these tiny creatures, especially their eggs. If you have a fixture in your bedroom like a carpet, it is where many insects are crawling around. This is why a vacuum is essential in everyone’s home for cleaning and removing unwanted visitors like bed bugs. |

THE USE OF INSECT REPELLENTS In addition to vacuums, an insect repellent is a popular tool for avoiding and eliminating bugs in the home. Insect repellents are also called bug sprays. This spray is used on skin, clothing, or other surfaces to prevent insects from crawling out. It discourages pests like bed bugs from getting into your bed or onto your skin. It eliminates many bed bugs because the insect repellent’s odor is toxic to them. REPLACE THE BED WOODEN FRAME WITH METALS Many people prefer metal frames for their beds not only because of their structural strength but also for other reasons. Metal bed frames offer more appealing designs than wood frames, but unlike wood, metal frames cannot rot or become infested. Many homeowners often notice that their wooden frames have different creatures besides bed bugs, termites, and cockroaches. Once you have changed your bed frame, you can already see the decrease in bite marks on your body since the bed bugs are decreasing their numbers. THE USE OF INSECTICIDES Insecticides are made to get rid of insects completely. Its sole purpose is to kill these creatures, which is why it is far more effective than the regular bug spray you can buy on the market. Insecticides are used by exterminators who handle pests specifically. Unlike bug spray, it is a mixture of chemicals and poison, which can risk a homeowner’s health. However, if the problem inside your home can no longer be contained, experts suggest using insecticide to completely banish these tiny creatures from your house. If you are planning to use an insecticide, carefully follow the instructions. Make sure to have the proper set of equipment to use for your project. SEEK HELP FROM PROFESSIONALS If the infestation of bed bugs is no longer controllable, you can always call your local exterminators for the job. If you are suffering from bed bugs in Atlanta, don’t hesitate to contact the experts. When you intend to use an insecticide to treat a bed bug infestation in your home, it is best to leave it to a professional. They know how to handle it and have experience in caring for these creatures. They have all the proper equipment for their safety and the homeowner’s safety. And unlike the traditional methods experts provide, professional pest control specialists use different methods. Bed bug heat treatment in Atlanta, GA, is one of the other methods that pest control specialists do. Since bed bugs hate hot temperatures, in this method, the temperature is regulated to a particular juncture that can lead these tiny creatures to leave the premises. This process is much safer and more practical than turning up your heater to the highest temperature. DON’T EVER PANIC IN THESE SITUATIONS Experiencing bed bug infestation in your home is normal. These creatures are here due to their nature; they feed on blood and want to hide from harsh temperatures. Remember, there are many ways to prevent these annoying creatures from biting you every night you go to bed. Panicking in these situations is going to do you little good. There is no harm in researching first why you are experiencing this situation to understand what is happening entirely. Similar to what was previously mentioned, there are home remedies that you can attempt. However, if you want to do the problematic techniques, ensure the proper gear, or it is much better to be supervised by experts. Once you have experienced these bed bugs from time to time and it seems that they aren’t going to leave your home remedies, call your local pest control specialist. Having an expert, you can fully trust with your home is essential. |